Sunday, October 30, 2011

Light Bulb Moment

Warhol's Light Bulbs

At best, I consider myself an inconsistent blogger. I love the idea of blogging and am a voracious reader of other blogs but I've always had a hard time keeping mine up to date. I started a blog like this one over a year ago without a real purpose (other than to practice using a cool tech tool) and posted sporadically -- very sporadically.

While blogging may have ended up on the back burner, finding an efficient way to share information with teachers was not. In addition to the standard email, I started to share video tutorials (via Dropbox) for those who ask for help with a particular task (i.e. How do I use Google Forms?) and I've also created wikis for resources from our August staff day, general tech tips, how to use the SMART Board and Math. These are great places to go but I still wanted to be able to share current info. with everyone.

After attending the fall CUE conference this weekend, my daydream of effectively communicating with teachers became a nagging can't-think-of-much-else sensation. How do I get great pieces of info. out to teachers without committing them to an afternoon after school, taking them out of the classroom and/or bombarding them with long emails...??

Insert "Light Bulb Moment" here -- how about using a blog and posting bite-size tech ideas on a weekly basis? This idea has been percolating over the last few months and now it's crystal clear - I have found the purpose to this blog. You won't have to write sub plans to get here. You won't have to rearrange your after school plans either. You won't even have to read through detailed emails.
It will be here whenever you're ready.

Having started this blog idea over a year ago, I'm excited to think about its future.

A sneak peek at the first few posts will include (in no particular order):

Ways to Manage Our Electronic Stuff
Getting the Most Out of Your Mac
Going Ga Ga for Google
Copyright -- the CASE Principle

So get ready for 
Templeton's eduTech Tuesdays,
coming to you each week, starting today -
Tuesday, November 1, 2011.


Patsy Templeton
OUSD Technology Coach